Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Eleven Ways to Boost Your Health in One Minute!

If you're the type of person who is constantly wondering where the day went, you probably jump for joy whenever you read about short workouts, even 5 minutes long, that improve health. While that doesn't mean you should give up your lengthier workouts in favor of mere minutes of activity, it does add some strength to the comforting belief that every little bit counts.
And perhaps the best news of all is that it's not the only way in which you can improve your well-being in a brief amount of time. Some take even less. Here are eleven ways to boost your health in just one minute.
Give someone you love a hug
There's nothing quite like a good hug. And while a warm embrace certainly makes us feel happier and more relaxed, there are also physical health benefits of hugging, like lower blood pressure and heart rate.
    There's a good reason laughter has a reputation for being the best medicine. Not only is it one of the body's natural stress relievers, it also mimics (at least a little) some of the physiological responses in the body to physical activity.
    Nibble some dark chocolate
    The natural plant compounds in cocoa can protect the heart in a whole number of ways, from lowering blood pressure, raising levels of "good" cholesterol while lowering the "bad" and even helping with circulation. There's some evidence to suggest chocolate can also help ward off diabetes and protect the skin. Now that's sweet news.
    Find the silver lining
    A little optimism goes a long way. Looking on the bright side has been associated with a healthier heart and a stronger immune system, so next time you're voicing a complaint, take a minute to reframe those thoughts.
    Look away from your computer screen
    If you work at a desk job -- or even if you're just a tech fan outside of the office -- you probably spend a fair amount of time in front of screens. But all that computer time can do a number on your eyes. To combat strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for just 20 seconds.
    Wash your hands
    This one also only takes 20 seconds -- and it's well worth it. Simply educating communities about hand washing can lower the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 31 percent and lower the number of people who get colds and other respiratory illnesses by 21 percent, according to the CDC.
    To do it right, wet your hands with clean, running water, lather with soap and scrub for at least 20 seconds. That's roughly about the length of time it would take to hum "Happy Birthday" twice (in your head, unless you'd like some strange looks from your coworkers). Rinse your hands under running water and dry completely.
    Buckle your seat belt
    Most American adults consistently buckle up in the car, but not everyone: According to the most recent data available, about 87 percent of adults wear their seat belts. For the 13 percent who haven't quite gotten the message, it takes mere seconds to protect yourself, whether you're driving or just along for the ride. More than 2 million adults are treated for car accident injuries each year, and more than half of teens age 13 to 20 who died in car crashes in 2012 were not wearing seat belts at the time of the crash, according to the CDC.
    Rest in child's pose
    It's one of the most relaxing, restorative yoga poses, but it's also a gentle, reinvigorating stretch that may help relieve back and neck pain. Sit back and hold for that entire glorious minute.
    Wear sunscreen
    Nearly 5 million Americans are treated for skin cancer each year, and sun exposure is one of the biggest causes of the disease. Yet it hardly takes any time at all to lather up against harmful UV rays. To cover yourself completely, aim to use about an ounce of the stuff if most of your skin is exposed.
    Hold a plank
    A daily one-minute plank is a classic fitness challenge you've probably seen hashtagged on your Facebook or Instagram feeds. Join the trend and you'll benefit from a stronger midsection, which can help ward off back pain and improve posture. Here's how to do it right.
    It's no surprise that people who smile a lot are usually happy people, but 2010 research suggests that people who smile widest also live the longest. Even if you're feeling stressed, faking a smile can eventually make you feel more at ease -- and it only takes a moment.

    Wednesday, June 3, 2015

    Those pesky deer ticks. How to protect yourself this summer!

    As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out, onset of the disease is most common in June, July, and August, when ticks are more active and people spend more time outdoors. State health offices report 30,000 cases to the CDC every year, but the actual number of Americans diagnosed with the disease could be as much as 10 times greater.

    A bacterial infection caused by a bite from the black-legged or deer tick, Lyme disease is prevalent in the northeast and upper Midwest. The first sign is usually a rash with a bull’s-eye shape that appears within weeks of being bitten by an infected tick. The rash may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, and fever.

    Not everyone develops a rash, according to Penelope Dennehy, MD, director of pediatric infectious disease at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. In those cases, “it’s difficult to sort out Lyme symptoms from whatever garden-variety illness or virus is going around,” Dr. Dennehy says.

    Untreated, Lyme disease can cause arthritis or neurological problems. Though less common, the Mayo Clinic lists an irregular heartbeat or inflammation of the liver as other potential complications.
    RELATED: Protect Yourself From Deer Ticks When Hiking

    Though most cases can be treated with antibiotics, it’s best to avoid getting Lyme disease in the first place. Here are some simple precautions you can take:

    • Use insect repellent that contains at least 20 percent DEET. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend using DEET on infants younger than two months.
    • Light-colored clothing can help you spot ticks more easily. Wear long-sleeved shirts and tuck pants into your socks to reduce skin exposure.
    • Wash clothes after being outdoors and inspect your body. Be sure to check kids and pets as well. Dennehy suggests parents look for “any freckles that weren’t there before.”
    • Don’t panic if you spot a tick on your body. It has to embed itself for at least 24 hours and be infected in order to transmit the disease.
    • If a tick is embedded in your skin, use tweezers to grab the tick near its head and pull straight up.
    • If you think you’ve been bitten and have any symptoms, even if the signs seem to disappear, contact your doctor.