Friday, May 1, 2015

Coast to Coast registration ends TODAY!

WellConnect Coast to Coast registration ends TODAY!  Here’s the link to register:


In case you haven’t heard, here’s a recap of some of the awesome things about the program:


  1. Pedometers are very reasonably priced! 
  2. We have t-shirts this year!
  3. You can wear your walking program t-shirt on WellConnect Wednesday throughout the walking program!
  4. You can encourage others (or give friendly competition/smack talk) on the this Facebook page!
  5. There are MANY opportunities to win prizes throughout the program!
  6. Have fun with your co-workers, friends, family!
  7. Take advantage of all the health benefits walking can give you!


Remember:  The GOAL of the program is to HAVE FUN, raise AWARENESS of your activity level, do your best to IMPROVE! 


We look forward to walking with you!


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