Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Five Reasons to Skip White Bread for Good!

Most people know that white bread is a diet don’t: One of the easiest swaps you can make for a major health boost is ditching refined flour in favor of whole wheat. But it’s not just that loaf of Wonder Bread that you need to watch out for. The basket of rolls delivered to the table when dining out, the French baguette you grab on your way home to accompany dinner, your Saturday-morning bagel ritual, and Friday pizza night all come with a side of less-than-desirable health risks. Here are five unpleasant reasons to nix the bread basket:

1. No nutritional value. Yes, food is delicious, but at the end of the day we are eating for one reason: to nourish our bodies. And white bread fails to accomplish this goal. “When a grain is refined, such as in the making of flour for white bread, the outermost and innermost layers of the grain are removed. This removes the fiber and some (25 percent) protein, leaving behind the starch,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. Opting for whole-grain varieties carries with it a dose of  healthy fiber and more protein, adding a nutritional boost to meals.
2. Erratic blood-sugar levels. “Since there is no fiber or protein to slow digestion, white bread is digested and absorbed rapidly. This leads to blood sugar’s rising quickly,” says Palinski-Wade. This spike — and subsequent crash — in blood sugar not only leads to irritability, but will leave you headed to the vending machine for a pick-me-up.
3. Increased risk of type-2 diabetes. “When blood sugar elevates rapidly, excess insulin is released into the bloodstream to push the sugar into the cell,” says Palinski-Wade. “When this occurs on a regular basis, cells become more insulin resistant, making it harder over time to control blood-glucose (sugar) levels. Research published in 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition supports this, finding that people who consumed several servings of whole grains per day — and limited intake of refined grains — had less of a type of fat that increases risk of type 2 diabetes.
4. Weight gain. After eating refined carbohydrates like white bread, the surplus of sugar in your bloodstream — unless immediately utilized for activity — tends to be stored as fat in the body. Plus, the blood-sugar crash will leave you hungry soon after ingesting, so you’ll be reaching for another snack. “Rapid digestion can increase hunger and cravings, leading to a lack of satiety after eating, which may result in increased caloric intake at the end of the day,” says Palinski-Wade.
5. Depression. It may taste good going down, but that white bread can negatively affect your mood. New research published in the June 2015 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a link between the consumption of refined carbohydrates and depression in post-menopausal women. The same hormonal response that causes blood-sugar levels to drop can also cause mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms of depression.

Tips for Keeping White Bread Off the Menu

1. Skip the bread basket. When dining at a restaurant that serves bread baskets, ask the waiter not to drop one off at your table — it’ll reduce temptation. If you feel the need to munch before your meal arrives, order some crudité with a light dip like hummus, or a side salad.
2. Look for “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” on the package, and be sure to check the ingredients list when purchasing a loaf of bread. Simply listing whole-wheat or whole-grain on the label isn’t enough: many whole-wheat varieties contain enriched, refined flour as the first ingredient, meaning the bread contains more refined flour than whole wheat.

3. Make smart bread swaps. Even healthy whole-grain breads can blow your daily calorie count when eaten in excess. Look for creative, tasty ways to swap out bread and other refined carbs in your favorite dishes, like using leafy greens as wraps for your sandwich toppings or making zucchini boat “pizzas,” no crust necessary!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pace it!! Don't Race it!!

Healthy habits can protect you from the harmful effects of stress. Here are 10 positive healthy habits you may want to develop.

  1. Talk with family and friends. 
    A daily dose of friendship is great medicine. Call or writer friends and family to share your feelings, hopes and joys and ask them to share theirs.
  2. Engage in daily physical activity. Regular physical activity can relieve mental and physical tension. Physically active adults have lower risk of depression and loss of mental functioning. Physical activity can be a great source of pleasure, too. Try walking, swimming, biking or dancing every day.
  3. Embrace the things you are able to change. 
    While we may not be able to do some of the things we once enjoyed, we are never too old to learn a new skill, work toward a goal, or love and help others.
  4. Remember to laugh. 
    Laughter makes us feel good. Don't be afraid to laugh out loud at a joke, a funny movie or a comic strip, even when we're alone.
  5. Give up the bad habits. 
    Too much alcohol, cigarettes or caffeine can increase blood pressure. If you smoke, decide to quit now. If you do drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
  6. Slow down. 
    Try to "pace" instead of "race." Plan ahead and allow enough time to get the most important things done without having to rush.
  7. Get enough sleep. 
    Try to get six to eight hours of sleep each night. If you can't sleep, take steps to help reduce stress and depression. Physical activity also may improve the quality of sleep.
  8. Get organized. 
    Use "to do" lists to help you focus on your most important tasks. Approach big tasks one step at a time. For example, start by organizing just one part of your life — your car, desk, kitchen, closet, cupboard or drawer.
  9. Practice giving back. 
    Volunteer your time or spend time helping out a friend. Helping others helps you.
  10. Try not to worry. 
    The world won't end if your grass isn't mowed or your kitchen isn't cleaned. You may need to do these things, but right now might not be the right time.