Friday, January 20, 2017

Marathon vs Sprint, how about a new paradigm?

Coming into a new year so much emphasis is put on having specific resolutions on specific dates on specific topics and with that mentality...specific completion.
How about trying on a softer approach and possibly shifting your paradigm?

You can't get it wrong because you'll never get it done. You'll never get it done so you can't get it wrong! If you shift your perspective to one of continuous improvement on your life journey, now you embrace your life as a marathon of personal growth and change.

For fun, please click these links with clips from two amazing communicators who so beautifully convey our life is a process and we are always learning.

Tracy McMillan - The person you really need to marry. This is about far more than marriage, it's about our journey and every person should watch. Tracy is from Minneapolis and has become a very successful writer!

Simon Sinek - Start with Why. Simon has worked with companies across America and Europe and helps you get to the heart of your inspiration. This was recorded at a TED Talks event and it is one of the most popular of all time. Simon's Why philosophy is driving change in countless American companies and their training.