With lots of people thinking about swimsuit season and on the diet bandwagon before summer starts, maybe this is a great time to read this article. Originally posted in Psychology Today, one of the biggest and overlooked issues with losing or controlling your weight is controlling your insulin demand by being aware and monitoring your sugar consumption. The best side effect of monitoring sugars is reducing your risk for memory related diseases. Please read and share with someone you think may also be at risk or will benefit!
Thnak you ;)
Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease Is Easier Than You Think
Science shines new light on the root cause of memory problems.
What is insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance and the brain
Insulin resistance and memory
Alzheimer’s Disease is Type 3 Diabetes
Are you already on the road to Alzheimer’s Disease?
Real hope for your future
Three steps you can take right now to minimize your risk for Alzheimer’s Disease