Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Physical Activity = Universal Life Preserver

Physical activity really is the "universal life preserver." 

That is the conclusion from a powerful new study that followed the health and physical activity levels of 334,000 men and women over a 12-year period. But first some bad news. According to this analysis, being sedentary is deadly-in fact twice as deadly as being obese. 

As for the good news, the study also found that as little as 20 minutes of brisk walking daily can reduce a person's risk for an untimely death up to 30 percent! According to a noted expert in exercise physiology who commented on this eye-opening new study, the beneficial adaptations that the body makes in response to a little movement is nothing short of "astounding." And we agree-if you can get such a sensational return by dedicating just 1.4 percent of your day to moving your body, then that really is astounding.  

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