Tuesday, June 21, 2016

WellConnect Coast to Coast

Welcome to the WellConnect Coast to Coast walking program!

My name is Kris Keykal, owner of AdvantageHealth.  New Horizon Companies has partnered with my company to assist in your walking program.  Here is what you can expect in the next ten weeks:

Learn about several of your company locations while doing something good for your health!  Ten locations have been selected to highlight along your 10-week walking adventure.  You will learn about one of these locations each week throughout our journey.

The goals of this walking program are: To HAVE FUN, raise AWARENESS of your activity level, and do your best to IMPROVE!   

Please feel free to set your own goals too.  If you’re looking for some measurable suggestions, here are a few guidelines to consider:

•          The step goal for apparently healthy adults is 10,000 steps per day (that’s about 5 miles). 
•          For those aiming for weight loss, the goal is 12,000-15,000 steps per day. 
•          For those looking to improve aerobic fitness, add 3,000-6,000 steps per day at an increased speed. 
•          If you are currently inactive, start gradually (less than 10,000 steps) and work to increase your daily step count a little bit each week.

Plus, check out how to set goals for success using SMART goals on the attached handout.

Remember, your physical activity can be done anywhere.  Add up your steps at work, at home, at the park, while shopping, walking the dog, or doing just about anything that requires you to move!  The program runs through Sunday, August 21.

Hopefully, you started wearing your pedometer or Fitbit® this morning.  Wear your device throughout the day.  Log your daily steps on the WellConnect Coast to Coast walking log (sent in an email and will be available on the NH Insider, KBH Currant and KQ/CQ People Matter).

Make sure you submit your walking log every Monday by 5:00 pm CST to me at kkeykal@advantagehealth.com or fax to me at 952-303-6818. If you want to submit to your director, that will need to be turned in by noon, so they have time to submit to me.  

Each Tuesday, you can expect an email from me that includes results from the previous week’s participants that walked over 70k steps AND those that showed a 5% improvement from the prior week. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have fun!

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