Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Looking at Each Day Differently!

We humans are certainly creatures of habit. Once we wrap our arms around an idea or a behavior, we tend to hold on for dear life. As a matter of fact, holding on to old thinking and old ways of doing things is one of the most difficult issues people face when trying to live healthier lives. 

Repetition creates habit, and we are all, to some degree, hostages of our past selves. To make this point, let me share something I read by mind/body expert Dr. Deepak Chopra. He says the following: “It is estimated that 90% of the thoughts a person has in a day are a literal repeat of the thoughts the day before.” No wonder change is so difficult! This brings me to my thought for the day.
If Chopra is right, you must be very mindful and very aggressive about bringing change into your life. With that said, I’m going to declare this Try Something Different Day! Here is what I’d like you to consider: Choose one thing you will do differently. Maybe it’s to take a different route to work. Maybe it’s wearing a color you never wear. Maybe it’s eating no junk food. Maybe it’s not smoking. You get the idea! Just pick one thing you do mindlessly and habitually and then… do it differently. 

Who knows, Try Something Different Day just might turn into something much better!

Wishing You Great Health in 2015!

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