Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year and a New Katie! A New Horizon health transformation story for 2014!

Katie of New Horizon Elk River made the decision in 2014 to get healthy!  

Katie began her health journey May 2014 starting at 315 pounds and fast forward to today (December 31st) she proudly reflects on her 117 pound weight loss story.

Facing the summer of 2014, she decided to make a change in her health along with her family’s health. At the time Katie felt tired, uncomfortable, not motivated to do much of anything.  Katie found a program that was comprehensive, focusing on a whole approach to health and habits of health for long term results.   Katie enjoyed the support of a free health coach, a virtual network of support, without having to attend a support group or commute to a location. 

As Katie continues in her health journey, she is now paying it forward, helping those looking to make a change, as she did this year!  Please contact Katie to learn more.

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