Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Success in 5

Success in 5

Want to know 5 things that super successful people do before 8:00 AM? They are not hard, but it will take 21 days to make them a habit! 

1. Exercise: Look at majority of super successful people and you will find that they get their workout in and out of the way early in the AM. This sets the tone for the day, gets their mind and body a boost of energy, and you will not skip it this way. Have your gym bag ready so you can just grab and go in the morning! You could even sleep in your workout clothes to save time!

2. Plan your Day: Always work from a to do list and plan out your day. You could even do this the night before. 

3. Eat a Healthy Breakfast:
It's crazy how many people skip breakfast because they are running out the door late for work. Take some extra time in the morning to fit in breakfast. OR plan your meals on Sunday for the week and this should never be an issue!

4. Eat that Frog: Get the hardest task on your to do list DONE first so it's not in your head all day and you start procrastinating. Get it done now so you do not have to worry about it!

5. Visualization: Try to take a few minutes to visualize your day and if you are writing down goals, visualize yourself achieving them!

AND remember to say your morning affirmations! Wake up loving yourself and start the day with a positive mindset!

There you go! 5 things that ANYONE can do if they want to start being mega successful in their lives! 

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